SlugBot! Snail Pest Killing Robot Innovation from UK


Given the technological developments in this modernization era, and the world's call to reduce the use of pesticides, one technology company in the UK wants to develop a robot called "SlugBot" which functions to eradicate plant snail pests.

This SlugBot robot is a new step to help farmers in eradicating snail pests without pesticides and also avoid large costs. Snails are plant pests that are quite well known to damage agriculture in the UK and this type of crop destroyer or pest is Deroceras reticulatum and Arion Vulgaris.

These two types of snails often cause severe damage to radish, wheat, and sugar beet crops, which are the main agricultural products that are often consumed in Western countries, especially Great Britain.

According to reports, the most common control method used by British farmers today is to use pellets containing metaldehyde or iron-III phosphate as molluscicides. These baits attract and kill insects or snails when they eat them.

However, this method is not always effective against snails because the effectiveness of the insecticide is highly dependent on weather conditions. And because more and more countries in the world are implementing methods of using pesticides to protect the environment.

So the idea arose to create agricultural robots (SlugBot) to eradicate plant-destroying snails, according to the company that will develop this technology, revealing that they are currently studying AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology to be able to fight snails in the field.

The company also revealed that this AI technology is very important in the agricultural world, and snails are easy prey because of their relatively large and slow size, so this AI robot technology will be easy to do.

This SlugBot technology will work by collecting snails into the bioreactor while moving through the side of the plant without having to damage the texture of the soil or plants, so this SlugBot slug killer will be very effective for new agriculture in the future.

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